SupraSlim LED Snapframe Extrusion Bottom
Don’t want to do the work yourself? You can buy completely assembled SupraSlim front load snap frames here, and you can request custom sizes in qty 1 from Testrite Visual.
Use these extruded profiles to make your own light panel assemblies. Made in USA aluminum extrusions, 6063 alloy which finishes extremely well.
The super thin snap frame bottoms mate with SupraSlim SnapFrame extruded aluminum Top profiles, SupraSlim springs, and C-101 corner brackets. This aluminum lit snapframe extrusion was designed with 6MM Lightbox Snap Frames in mind, while the LEDs can be attached to the side wall of the extrusion.
Buy in long lengths to machine yourselves to make your front load snap frame lightbox project a success. These pair with the C-101 corner bracket, sold separately.
Note these profiles for edge lit snapping frame extrusions are sold as cut to length Snap Frame extrusion profiles, straight cut. No mitering is included, no instructions, no LEDs, nor ballasts are included, just the aluminum bottom extrusion. This is meant for people who want to build their own SnapFrame lightboxes and know how to do so.
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SupraSlim LED Snapframe Extrusion Bottom